Saturday, December 17, 2011

First Haircut!!!

The day was quite monumental... Hayden gets his first haircut and we have a day out with daddy- HUGE!!! Because we played Thursday night and don't again until the day after Christmas, that means the guys got the weekend off- Woo Hoo!! Not only was it past time for H to get his haircut (or so everyone said... I had a lady ask me if he was a boy two days ago), we had lunch out (we don't get out much) with daddy- where we got a cool CowSanta hat to sport and did some shopping! Hayden was pooped and ready for a nap when we arrived home!
He wasn't quite sure of the chair, the hairdresser or the cape, but he loved playing in the play-kitchen in the lobby, so much so he cried when we left! He cried because we had to leave and I cried because he doesn't have "Tom Brady" hair anymore!!! But, we did get our certificate and some fun pics!!!

Team Pictures...

Truly all I can say is... aren't my boys handsome!!! Team Pictures Day was fun... chasing dog and son... what get's more fun than that?

Post-Turkey Day Half!!!

Although Hayden did train with my (he lasted 12 miles with his crazy mama)... he didn't get to ride along for the Zooma Half Marathon the Saturday after Thanksgiving, but I promise I missed him the entire time! The best part about the morning was that my cousin, Keegan, in from Baltimore, jumped in for the craziness... she decided the day before the race to join me, what a trooper! And what's more, we both placed 3rd in our age groups- more craziness!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Oh Cristmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

Picking out a Christmas tree this year was so much different than last year... so much fun!!! Hayden was in heaven... where else can you run around a big field looking at hanging lights, trees and his new found love, the Chain Saw (his Pops is so proud)?! Although he wasn't quite sure what to do with the star to put on top, he loved being hoisted up above it in daddy's arms. I was nervous about him wanting to either scale the tree for the next 20 days or pull everything off, or for sure open every gift underneath. But, he has been so cooperative and gentle.
Have I mentioned how enjoyable he makes my days? :)
What a difference a year can make!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fall Fun...

These days the questions are... DOES THIS FIT??? Does it fit in the washing machine?; Does it fit on my foot?; Does it fit Milby? And most importantly... Does it fit me? and CAN I HELP???
From putting the train in the wash, anyone's shoes on his feet, to stringing paper towels across the house while helping mommy clean, Hayden is most certainly "Monkey See, Monkey Do" these days. He wants to do everything himself and try everything you are doing, but mostly just wants to help!!! And his compassionate side is coming out as well, while Milby was quite sick, Hayden would sit down beside him and just pet him and talk quietly to him... for someone who doesn't cry much, I was close!!! These are some of the funnest days I have had in my life!!! What a joy!

2015 Elmwood Blvd.

Another road trip took Hayden and I to Dallas for a weekend, to see Auntie, attend a wedding and a chance to see SuSu, Laney and Landry... fun was had by all. But, I will say the day before we left Hayden could not stay out of our suitcase, I think he was imagining the worst... that mommy might leave without him. (Not a chance in the world!)
The weather was beautiful, so H got a chance to run around in diaper and t-shirt (doesn't happen much), roam Auntie's yard and eat lots of yummy food. (I had to tell myself over and over that we were on vacation)... BG's is good at being a grandmother!
And, we had one night in a hotel (little challenging) and our first encounter with a shower that was not enclosed... so Hayden threw every toy we had in the bathroom into the shower with mommy, including toilet paper! He was DRENCHED by the time I was finished... I had to laugh.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pumpkins, Mummys and Zebras (cute zebras at that)... OH MY!!!

These are honestly the times that make the bad days disappear... fussy times, gone; runny noses, gone; sleepless nights, gone; colic, (well, sort of gone)! These are the moments that you dream of, when they are so darn adorable, you can't believe they came from you; when you tear up because they want to walk off on their own (yes, down the street toward a bonFIRE, in a zebra costume), and when you laugh out loud because your proud for the first time that they are picking up candy from a bucket and putting it into another! I had more fun on this night with Hayden maybe more than any other! Something about stripes and smiles... he melted my heart. And, he had a blast! I know I'm biased, but isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen?!