Not only was Sunday my First Mother's Day, but we also had Hayden dedicated at Church. The day was so special. I felt almost like a little kid on Christmas morning waiting for him to wake, some mornings I do wake up before he does and I do love watching his little body in the monitor, but this morning was different... I was eagerly awaiting him rolling over and beginning his morning mantra of "talking", rolling back and forth, playing with his blanket and observing EVERYTHING in his sight. I just honestly couldn't wait to get my hands on him and sing our "good mornings" to the trees and such. And when he did finally wake, I was thoroughly fulfilled, his smiley face makes my morning... every morning.
Not only was he decked out in his new totally styl'n prep-boy outfit, courtesy of his SuSu, but even our preacher was "digg'n" his adorable sandals... we get compliments on all of our shoes, his Auntie Lacee would be impressed. The Smith's joined us for the morning at church, which meant the world to us... Hayden is one lucky boy, as we have such amazing support in our family and friends. It was a very special moment for the three of us and I'm so excited for the strength we will have in our home through God.
In one word... BLESSED!
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