Sunday, July 24, 2011

Our Last Days of Summer...

From admiring the fishies to just "cruising" around our house we've spent our last days of summer just how we like it... Together!!! With training camp start looming and GT's last days at home until I become a Football Widow, we just relaxed and spent time hanging out. We took H to the aquarium a few weeks ago, although he is still a little young, we thought he would just enjoy the lights and colors and of course all the people he got to watch... especially all those pretty little girls! We really enjoyed it. H was hilarious, if you look at the pics you can tell that Hayden kept following his daddy with the camera. Glenn kept trying to get shots without him looking, but H was just too quick!
He has now gotten quite good at "dumping" all of his toys out from the toy box... which is really a copper tub, he tips it and pulls them out ONE-BY-ONE... fun for all!!!
Hayden has been so silly with all of his facial expressions... think we have a new one every week. But, as you can see in most of these pics he's got two signatures right now... the down-turned face, eyes up, mouth open... then there's the "whistle while you work" pierced lips!
And, no I wasn't bathing H in the sink... although we joked that I would if he could fit... but we got him the cutest new towel, with a crab-hood that we were trying to get good pictures of and he sort of slipped into the sink and loved it!!!
I know every one is proudest of their own child, thinks their son/daughter is the cutest, etc. BUT, in all honesty, I think I've got the cutest dude around!!! Not to mention, the most handsome hubby and the most beautiful Golden! I do LOVE my boys!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

10 months... Can You Believe It?

Now that H is fully "mobile" life has become much more interesting and SO MUCH MORE FUN!!! I have always heard moms and dads alike say that this is a fun age... and they were SO right! He is into everything, has some of the most hilarious facial expressions, laughs and plays, is picking up on our "signing" for some things, and I'm really beginning to see him truly catching onto things and putting this and that together. And his little personality is starting to come through! What fun!!! And he is such a super trooper, which I've said from the beginning, but we joked this summer that we should have gotten him a frequent flier card, because he's been on so many trips in his short little 10 months!!!
He truly is our pride and joy!
Some of our favorite things...
animal crackers (of course), the Dustbuster and vacuum (mommy only hopes this continues), feeding Milby, the WATER (Yeah!!!), Tupperware and spoonulas, his new Mega Blocks wagon, getting "under" anything, and climbing "up" on anything and so much more!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

From OKC to TX... our RoadTrips continue!!!

Our now annual RoadTrip from one parent's house to another started in OKC this year and landed us in Eastland for a fun Fourth of July days of celebration and relaxation... yes that is me napping with Hayden!!! Still at 10 months old and just over 20 lbs, he knows mommy is still the best napping spot and that is what it takes to get me to go down for one, so daddy knew a photo opp when he saw it!
SuSu and Poppy were thrilled to have us in, now that Hayden is "mobile" he was so fun to chase around the house and his cousin Landry was only half as thrilled as Hayden to have a playmate- he LOVED her!!! The pictures spell it out, he wanted to touch her, chase her, climb on her and of course stick his tongue out at her!!! Of the three weeks on the road (and 3 days at home between) Hayden's new love is his own TONGUE!!! He wants to stick it out, blow bubbles, touch yours... you name it, he will explore the tongue!
What fun... family truly is the BEST!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Fun in Baltimore

We had the opportunity to spend a week in Baltimore with my family and what a week it was!!! Our excuse was that we were to celebrate Boo's 80th Birthday... and we all got to take advantage of it! We had lots to celebrate... like Hayden beginning to crawl, pull up on everything, "blow bubbles" with his lips and a whole lot of slobber- which turned into a game everyone loved to play (except Daddy and Mommy who had to go home with it and explain)!!! But what fun! We got to celebrate Glenn's First Father's Day in great company, beat everyone out in CornHole and a wheelbarrow race, steamed crabs, enjoyed boat rides, kayaking, and just enjoyed everyone's company and watching our little one grow! It was amazing what we saw in just one week, we all swore his hair grew longer, he began "saying" more words, crawling faster, pulling up on most anything in site and of course flirting with my cousin Keegan aka KeeKee!!! H is getting quite good at flirting... he's already a little lady's man!!!
Nonetheless, we had such a wonderful time!!!