Now that H is fully "mobile" life has become much more interesting and SO MUCH MORE FUN!!! I have always heard moms and dads alike say that this is a fun age... and they were SO right! He is into everything, has some of the most hilarious facial expressions, laughs and plays, is picking up on our "signing" for some things, and I'm really beginning to see him truly catching onto things and putting this and that together. And his little personality is starting to come through! What fun!!! And he is such a super trooper, which I've said from the beginning, but we joked this summer that we should have gotten him a frequent flier card, because he's been on so many trips in his short little 10 months!!!
He truly is our pride and joy!
Some of our favorite things...
animal crackers (of course), the Dustbuster and vacuum (mommy only hopes this continues), feeding Milby, the WATER (Yeah!!!), Tupperware and spoonulas, his new Mega Blocks wagon, getting "under" anything, and climbing "up" on anything and so much more!!!
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