What a difference a year can make!
All I can say is BEST EVER!!! Everyone says it's so much better with kids and they are right! We had so much fun experiencing the joys of the holiday season through Hayden this year... and I think I can speak for my en
Not only was Christmas special, but as you can tell we had lots of exciting things happening with Team Thomas... Hayden now officially has become terrified of Santa Claus- OK only because I was told to "run" after I sat him down on his lap- they don't know us well!!! But, he does love the fishies at the Bass Pro Shop-oh yes and the girls, he was a little more interested in watching them! Hayden and Milby are fast become best buds (sort of)... but, in these pics you can't see it play out, but as Milby lay in another room, Hayden insistently kept taking bone after bone to him, then finally offered his sippy cup- broke my heart! And the Falcons are in the Playoffs... here we come New York! Blessed!!!
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