Hats, socks, belts, hoodies, you name it... Hayden tries to put it on himself or anyone who might come close enough- no one is safe! As you can see with mommy's stripe socks- got put on daddy... mommy's running hat- put on H's head- EVERYDAY... belts and mom's headbands make the best necklaces if you didn't know... I fear Milby will be adorned with many articles of clothing in the coming months!
Hayden also got to eat his first fortune cookie- he was super excited and scarfed it down!
And, we have a new "buddy" that we have with us most days and is super snuggly to sleep with- Floppy the Bunny is super soft and H loves him.
Although were not formally "talking" Hayden is hilarious with all of his "Animal Noises"- we can ask him what various animals sound like and he makes their "noise"... some of our favorites are the rabbit, snake, daddy's favorite- the Lion, sheep and he will make the sound of a police car as well!!! Now you know what I do all day... play dress up, make animal noises and play cars-it's been cold in Atlanta, you get creative!!!
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