Sunday, July 22, 2012

These are a few of our favorite things...

"SSSSHHHH"- I will spray you!!!!

Little "mini camp" snack time

My dad's the BEST!!!

I gotta have one too!

Cheesey Smile!

I'm now being read to... on the floor!

Big Hugs!

Yep dad, its level!

These days Hayden has a mind of his own... the entire toddler phase of "me do it" is upon us! Every day I'm completely blown away at what he can do- and a little of what he wants to do- but can't just yet! There's never a dull moment for certain- thank goodness. These pictures capture just a few glimpses of his wit, character, determination (thank goodness as well), and compassion... and a few fun pictures from mini camp.
*The water hose (whether hooked up to the hose or not) is one of our favorite past times- no one is safe!
*Drills, hammers, levels, screwdrivers, you name it, H will help you with your honey-do's. We've had many projects this summer- got to get Glenn while he's home, before he disappears for the year- and Hayden is always there to lend a hand.
*First mini-camp visit to see daddy for the year, H was so fun- stealing the show- and loving to get to see his daddy afterward.
*GT had a little dental surgery so I was taking care of them both. GT needed an ice-pack the first evening, so of course Hayden had to have one as well- plus he had to pull "GG" the giraffe up on the couch to sit with Glenn while he was healing and hugs to boot- love it!

1 comment:

  1. These are SO FUN!!! Beaches with little ones are amazing!!
    Know y'all are getting ready for football season....always so exciting!!
    Katy and Jamie took Drake (now 6 months) to Orange Beach over the week of the 4th of July...said they hope it's an annual event!
    Matt and Kelly are settling into parent-hood (Anna is 5 weeks!)
    I'm LOVING my role as BeBe ( my grandmommy name!)
    Derek and I just got back from a mission trip to the West Indies... Amazing time!!
    Be blessed as you get ready to welcome the 5th Thomas them member!!
