H and I have a date! |
Yummy Yogli-Mogli |
My little "elf" at Christmas was more interested in eating "bunnies" than helping momma decorate! |
Fun times with BG's |
Sporting their matching Jerseys! |
Boo had a big time hanging out with Dylan during our play-off run! |
Sue Sue visits for a playoff game! |
Auntie Julie and Dylan on Christmas Eve |
Logan and Hayden "tasting" our cookie decorating masterpieces! |
BGs and Pops love 'em some Hayden |
Dylan taking a cat nap on Christmas morning- he was a tired little Bear! |
Christmas Morning breakfast with Daddy! |
No one like Pops to show H how to use his new tool set! |
Sue Sue and Poppy got us the coolest Circus pancake maker... YUMMY |
Christmas Tree Picking... |
and decorating... with two little ones! |
Hayden's Preschool Class Party was super fun... Hayden just wanted to eat his cookie- forget the decorating! |
Hayden refers to the castle at Disney as "Mickey's House" |
Goofy was our first "character" encounter- Hayden was a little uneasy, but by the time we made it to Pooh on day three, he walked right up to take a picture! Goofy played right along with us! |
Dylan finally woke up for a picture! |
Riding in Style!!! We turned some heads with this ensemble- I do think they were the most "comfy" kids in the entire park! |
Sea World was awesome... but the best part for H was the "Rock'n Elmo" Show. |
Eating lunch during the Elmo show from his "Shamu" plate... super fun! |
Hayden LOVED going swimming! |
Dylan was cozy in his make shift "Bed-Bumbo" (he's not a fan of laying down-ANYWHERE- so we always figure out a way for him to watch all the action! |
"King Louie" loved Dylan... |
He even stole a kiss for Dylan! |
Hayden loves the Jungle Book, so this was a fun one! |
And we came home to cold weather and LOTS of leaves to pick up... Hayden was on the job! |
I feel as though I've been in complete hibernation... and truthfully I almost have been, so here goes for explaining all the happenings over the past two months! It feels like eternity to talk about some of the things that have happened...
About two and a half months into having Dylan at home, I called in re-enforcements- "BG's you've got to come visit" is all I had to say to get my mom on a plane and in for a week, I honestly have never been so glad to see her and so sad for her to leave! After weeks of fussiness (like Dejavu with Hayden) we nailed down milk protein and soy intolerance in my milk, eliminated the culprits from my diet, began pumping full time to actually feed Dylan enough for him to sleep for longer than 45 minutes- no kidding and still maintain enough umph to keep up with both boys, my nerves were shot and my mom was a huge help. I actually got to take Hayden on a date- we had Chick-fil-A and he got Yogli-Mogli and a romp in the park- we were both in Heaven!!! Dylan has now begun solids and looks at me like "where has this been" every time he gets to eat. I think Dylan will be the one to eat me out of house and home come High School! He's my little chunky monkey! Christmas has come and gone- it honestly flew by- was tons of fun, but lots of work as well. So special to have Daddy home with us on both Christmas morning and Christmas Eve- which nearly never happens in the NFL, but the way our games fell this year it did and we were oh so thankful. Speaking of the season, what a FABULOUS one it was. Losing to San Fransisco was one of the saddest days we've had, though were thankful to have had the success we did, being that close to the Super Bowl and losing was a tough one. So how does one get over such a disappointment?- well Team Thomas heads to sunny Orlando and as Hayden says went to "Mickey's House"!
Settling into the role of mother of two little boys kicks my tail some days, but I wouldn't change one thing about what I do with my days- more sleep would be nice- but I know it will come one of these days! (I think) Through stuffy noses, crying spells, loads and loads (and loads) of laundry, enough dishes you'd think I feed an army (only four people live here right?) and oh yes Milby still sheds like no other- I honestly lay down and think how lucky I am- because they smile like no other can and melt my heart each day... yes Glenn you do too!!!
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