Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Beach Bound!

Week 21 Belly Bump!

H was so ready for lunch, he helped pack up and head in!

The best "eskimo kiss" ever!!!
As it has turned into an annual trip to the beach in Jacksonville, I truly believe every year gets better! One year a bump, next year a baby, this year a toddler and a bump- my how we grow! This year was such a joy- to see Hayden play in the sand and water (well, get knocked down by wave after wave in the water) makes my love for the beach even stronger! We are blessed in so many ways, and to have such wonderful friends like Anne and Bob, is a bonus!- Glenn and Bob get to catch up over Martinis and golf, while Anne and I solve all the world's problems, chase H, and try to keep him out of Savannah's (their precious pup) beds. A few first's on this trip as well- first outdoor shower- felt like Hayden was a little 'Tarzan baby', first wipe-out on a wave- no surf boards were used, and first "na-na" time in a hot tub- he's living the high-life. I think the love for the beach is officially a family affair! P.S. Sorry if my bare bump offends anyone...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Dirty feet... poking frogs... what good days we have!

Most days end with our feet looking just about like this... or worse- which I have come to believe means that it was a good day! Especially when the day involves "poking" our first frog! Over the past probably five or six months I have truly come to believe the saying "boys will be boys" and by that I mean that they are truly wired differently- the things they find fun and fascinating and what they truly enjoy is just different and WONDERFUL. The way he makes me slow down and enjoy the little things makes me just smile- even while he is digging holes in our flower beds! And this day was no different, when I walked out the back door to find H, Glenn and Milby poking at a poor frog. Milby was trying to help Hayden get the frog, while also trying every attempt to steal the stick!- you gotta smile! (and stop them before the poor things sees it's last day in our backyard).

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Results Are In...

And... IT'S A BOY!!!

Baby Dos was certainly not a shy one for his ultrasound this week as you can tell from his profile (both ends were captured)... so that means BROTHERS! We are just thrilled and yes a little nervous- a host of worries left my brain, only to filled with a rush of others. I had to remind my mom on the phone last night that our house may be quite 'rambunctious' in the coming years (raising one daughter was quite different), but oh what fun we will have!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

These Days...

"WHO ME???"


My future "penny pincher" already!!!

These days it's all about...
PLAY!!! No one was kidding when they said boys will be boys. Not only does my Milby dig in the dirt, but Hayden bears his shovel and rake nearly every afternoon to our yard- what's soon to be left of our yard- I tried to tell him we laid that sod when I was pregnant with him, to be gentle! We love to be outside and H heads to the back door at every chance he gets, which I love. Yes, he is piling rocks into a Home Depot bucket and yes... that is a charcoal grill fire starter! After he tells you it's hot, he then proceeds to pick it up and cart it all over the yard! Milby just tromps along behind or darts off when H begins hitting him with his shovel- God love his patience! We "dress" up in our animal masks and romp around the house, head to the park every chance we get- where H usually has to scope out everyone and everything. We do play, but he is my little observer, soaking up everything around him! I "caught" him in his room yesterday while I was drying my hair- anyone who knows me also knows how long that takes me- and I knew he hadn't come back to the bathroom for a few minutes to "check in" as he does, so I glanced around the corner, to find him dumping coins on the floor, then putting them back in to his "bank" one-by-one! Daddy was proud! Speaking of Daddy, he was the one who caught H in the buffet table- yes- the buffet, how he got there I don't know... oh to be that limber... I was out for a run, guess that's what happens when the boys are left together- thank goodness I was only gone an hour! And, eating is always a scene, whether he has decided to "drink" his yogurt for breakfast or my favorite is at night when he sits in his "G-raffe" chair, from Annie, for his evening snack. And, finally we got him his own table and chairs, which if you can tell, he helped to put together. He LOVES his power tools- fits in perfect with my fam!!!!
At the end of the day I'm pooped for the most blessed reasons in the world- not only do I get to chase around this beautiful boy all day, but now I get to figure out how to chase TWO!!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Baby Dos...

Now that I'm finally sporting a "bump" and it doesn't just look like I need to go for (another) run... we thought a pregnancy pic was in order! Although it was rocky start and quite different from my pregnancy with H, I'm finally in month five, 19 weeks and feeling great. We find out in just a week and a half if were, as our fab Texas friends put it, expecting another 'lil football player (or coach) or a 'lil cheerleader! Hayden is too young to truly understand what is going on, but when you ask him where the "baby" is, my heart melts each time he reaches for my belly with his precious smile and famous "oooh" face!
I'm nervous, anxious, excited and of course trying hard not to plan for or over-think every possible rationale of 'what am I going to do when...' Will be soooo thrilled to tell you soon, what is growing in this body of mine!