Friday, April 5, 2013

Dylan moves to the TUB and goes on his first "date"... H gets his "toddler" bed upgrade

Got my "helper" right beside me...

Which makes D smile THIS big!!!

Hayden is super excited about his new sleeping quarters... (mommy gets worried!)

We of course have to wear our "Boogie Dance" socks while helping daddy with the tools!
Not sure if Momma or Hayden was more excited about his new bedding!

Snug as a bug in a rug!

How do you resist this smile?

I always joke that I take FOREVER to move the boys to their next "phase" and so I finally let D jump from bathing in our fabulous sink to the bathroom! H loves it because he gets to help me now! We have lots of laughs. And speaking of laughs... this video is priceless! We finally broke down and put H's toddler rails on his bed (yes he's been in his crib this long)- but with no "escape" attempts, we held on for as long as we could, but it was time and he is soooo excited! We've had a few "out of the bedroom" issues, but for the most part, he has been a trooper! 
And Dylan finally joined Hayden and I for our special "date", to the park to play, feed the ducks, and climb some rocks, and off to Chick-fil-A for lunch. These guys stole the show, literally, we had half the restaurant laughing and smiling at us-well them- but with these smiles and H INHALING his ice cream, there's not much chance at ignoring us!
They're growing up too fast!

Easter Fun...

This year we decided to "paint" Easter Eggs... it was sooo much fun!

Bunny Glasses making painting much more fun!

Hayden couldn't wait to get home from church to see what the Easter Bunny left on the front porch!

(please excuse my fancy "mud" shoes... I did have on super cute boots!)
These smiles are the BEST!


Hayden was super excited about his Preschool Class Easter Egg Hunt as well... by this time, he was a PRO!

Orchestrating eleven 2-3 year old's for a photo was a challenge... this was the best we got!

Hayden's BFF Asher!

And his AWESOME teachers!

Spring Break to Texas... and Dylan's first FLIGHT!

Hayden was excited for his Road Trip!

Although he doesn't look it... D was excited too- (he was just wondering why we weren't eating dinner!)
Dylan enjoyed his Poppy

Hayden took the horses a biscuit... but ate it himself before they made it to the fence!

H talked about Poppy"s tractor for a week, so he was anxious to hop on!

Hayden enjoying the horse's biscuit!

"This farming stuff is hard work!"

Gotta break out the tools to help!

All Smiles!!!

This shot is a true Family Favorite!

H showed Landry how to "tackle"

And she showed H how to drive the "beep-beep"... wrong color, but he had a blast!

And much needed breaks!

Sue Sue loved her some Dylan- who is truly a snuggle-bug!

Easter Egg Hunt time

Hayden even found a few for little Bro

Laney and Clay sorting through the girls' goodies

Hayden "adorned" Tow Mater with all his goodies!

And was THRILLED to find something yummy to eat (you'd think my boys don't get fed)!

"Momma Look"

This beautiful chameleon inspired H's new Crocs critter!

A trip to the Zoo with Sue Sue... H got to ride the Train!

D was bundled up

" Giraffe Kisses"

Super proud Sue Sue and Poppy w their grandkiddos

H "decorating" BGs windows

Great use for a new Mickey Ball

BGs all smiles w Dylan and Hayden in town!

Dylan enjoyed a visit w Auntie too

The Owner's Meeting each year equals our spring break... so off to Texas we went! Although we were looking forward to "spring" like weather, we all cozied up and had a great time. Sue Sue and Poppy's house always means "farm" fun, like riding the tractor (or lawnmower), feeding the horses and goats, waving at the cows and chickens, and this year we had an early Easter Egg hunt. Hayden and Landry had the best time together, riding in the "beep beep"- which Hayden was finally tall enough to reach the gas pedal, they blew bubbles, played "tackle", you name it, they did it- with smiles galore! We were sad that Pops was in North Dakota during our visit, but BGs was more than excited to have some "noise" in the house- which we do bring! And Auntie got to meet Dylan and spend the day with us all.